Hi, I'm Ingrid.

I’m a UX/UI designer living in Barcelona, Spain with experience designing websites, apps and buildings.
I’m passionate about empathizing with people and helping to solve problems through design, I’m constantly looking to learn new things every day.


Alejandria, app to help students to find their vocation

UX research, UX and UI design process to arrive to the final solution.

Sofia Verissimo- biografía humana

Creation of the entire website of a psychologist specialising in human biography, carrying out user analysis and improving the user experience.

Casa Forn-website

Creation of the entire website of this holiday rental house, analysing the user and creating a good user experience.

Ecomoving- HACK4FUTURE

Hackathon where in 12 hours we define the problem, a possible solution and design a website to explain the mobile application.